
Scott Brinker on What it (Really) Takes to Become a Subject Matter Expert

Since 2008, Scott Brinker has run the Chief Marketing Technologist blog, chiefmartec.com, to analyze topics at the intersection of marketing, technology, and management. Highly respected in the industry with more than 50,000 readers, Scott says there’s no “cheat” to becoming a subject matter expert. In fact, he says it’s taken him more than 10,000 hours to become a trusted source in his field.

On this episode of The Cheat Code, Scott joins co-hosts Justin Gray and Sean Kester to discuss the long-term commitment and passion it takes to truly carve a niche for oneself as a subject matter expert. They discuss principles for staying on track, ways to engage stakeholders, and advice for listeners looking to start a similar journey in their chosen field.